June 14, 2011

Am I Proud?

There are some things in life you cannot be proud of, this is not one of those things. If you have never traveled to Butte, Montana for St. Patrick’s Day then you cannot truly understand and appreciate all that the holiday holds in store. I had the thrilling opportunity of partaking in an adventure to Butte during my sophomore year of college and would like to plan a return trip. Anybody interested, hit me up. There is nothing quite like leaving Spokane Washington at 5am, traveling through 3 states, looking for the best St. Patrick’s Day party this side of Dublin.  
Oh the memories: belting out “Baby Got Back” while driving through Anaconda Opportunity,
 risking life and limb to use porta potties precariously placed on a sheer sheet of ice,
wolfing down rice cakes and orange juice,
crashing house parties thrown by natives and taking pictures with incoherent frat boys covered in sharpie,
witnessing beer literally being tossed off of trucks to appease the masses, green barricaded streets so that the party could sprawl for blocks, 
one word: bagpipes, 
having my face munched on by complete strangers (no seriously, these two just came up to me and took a picture. Fantastic.)
 Everybody in life should have the chance to do something crazy like travel to Butte Montana with their friends and partake in such a fantastic holiday and rub elbows with the best the natives have to offer (see above). My friends and I had an amazing trip and made it safely back to Spokane in time for classes the next morning. I was just talking about this trip with some friends last night and thought I'd share the idea so that everybody may come to understand all that Butte has to offer. Let me know if anybody wants to go: I'm talkin to you Kristina, Liz, Ariana.

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