October 23, 2011

Tutorial: How to throw a Zombie Party

Zombies... are spectacular. I'm just sayin. The amazing show The Walking Dead is premiering its second season tonight so E and I decided to throw a zombie party. Sort of a EAT and greet if you will ;) So anyways here is what you need for a successful zombie party.

The Decorations
1. Zombie Warning Tape ($2.99 at SPIRIT Halloween store)
  2. Bloody Handprint decals ($1.00 for 2 hands at Target) 
obviously the baby hand prints are preferential
3. Your own Zombie baby ($34.99 at SPIRIT Halloween store)
please see following posts for the many reasons you should own your own zombie baby
The Treats
1. Zombie in coffins candy (WinCo)
2. Body Party Chocolates (WinCo)
3. Zombie Cupcakes (Kit found at Cost Plus World Market $5.99)

1. Zombie Zin (Zinfandel wine from Cost Plus World Market $7.99)

2. Blood and Vodka (not really)

3. "Brains" Jello Shots

1. Costumes (have each person pick a "character" to zombie-fy)
Our group included Harry Potter zombie, Prom zombie, Flapper Girl zombie, Scientist-Searching-For-The-Cure zombie, and a Zombie Hunter

2. Take a "before" photo to show everybody before they were "bitten"
After you apply your makeup make sure to take an "after" photo as well

3. Put on make-up as a group, it is helpful to have somebody help place that rotting flesh
4. Have a story line
 The great doctor was trying to find a cure for the zombie epidemic
 But he too became infected
And so it continued
This zombie hunter thought he was about to take down another walker but he failed to notice the zombie baby and doctor who were sneaking up on him
Got him
More zombies joined in the feast
The end
5. Take your party "PUBLIC"
We chose to move our party to the local Beer Stein
Then as we were driving past the Walgreens we saw this sign and just couldn't resist
A customer noticed us outside and went to his car to get his camera to catch the action as well.
A warning from the zombie hunter

October 16, 2011

7 Solid Reasons to Adopt Your Own Zombie Baby

I can't believe I even have to write such a post to convince people of reasons they should adopt their own zombie baby. E and I adopted our zombie baby, Jimmy, last weekend and now can't imagine our lives without him. But for all you nay sayers out there here are 7 (obvious) reasons.

1. He's a freaking ZOMBIE BA-BY!

2. They are great with animals.
"Psst kitty. Hey kitty. BOO!"
"I love kitty haunches!"
3. They have impeccable balance

4. Amazing photo-ops.
 "Please sir, can I have sum more!"
"Hold on guys I'll be right there"

5. They give great hugs.

6. They will scare your neighbor's children so bad they will keep their blinds shut
and mind their own damn business

7. They will love you (and your brains) unconditionally.